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September 18, 2016    1 - 4 pm

Our newest horse Sovereign Express, AKA Chance, has a gimpy hock or foot. When he was born, the vet advised his owner to put him down as he wouldn't win any races with that foot.  His owner declined and chose to let him he is a beauty and very calm.

When the rest of the stock came back from the race track that following fall, and were released from the trailer, they took off in a mad dash of freedom in the pasture....guess who ran with them?


Sovereign see he can run and run fast.  He limps when he walks, but runs like the wind.  He was born to run, made to run and he does...


We have nicknamed him Chance as he has had a second chance.  He could have been put down as he wasn't perfect, nobody would have ever known his power and athleticism.....but, Gayle saw something in that horse and trusted his instincts to let him live.   


We chose Chance of all Gayle's horses he wanted to donate to Unbridlled Acres because of many people that we see here don't know their purpose, their passion, what they were made for...and they are lost, unsure, insecure .....and can't find their path.  It is our hope that Chance is an inspiration to us all to do what we were born to do.



This retreat is about just that....


become who you were created to be... 

find your purpose and your passion...


This will be an interactive retreat with horse work, group work and individual reflection and journaling.

 fall women's retreat 

Unbridled Acres

9531 County Road 37

Blair, NE 68008


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